

The throat chakra, the power center. Once you understand the power of your voice, you'll know that it can be used in many many different ways, ways you never even thought about. But to speak, one must know and to know, one must see - and preferably crystal clear.

There are powers of the voice which have been used, abused, exploited and silenced for millennia, and in the age of information, your voice is one of the most dangerous instruments. One word could change your life, for the better or worse. The ancients knew how to speak very well for they left you with brilliant events, wonders and stories, you could do the same. With the right perception - no one can be great all by oneself.

You can find these powers easily if you drop your expectation of how it should be, I've studied the vishuddhi and what I came to realize is that everyone at least has 400 powers located in the throat chakra. However, I don't expect to spit fire with words or sound, if you know what I'm talking about.

I will go over a few in these columns so you can see how simple, basic and realistic the true power of the voice really is. You can study the vishuddhi for yourself and maybe realize even more power than I have.